perghh,tajuk xhingat.. mcm serius2 je.
tahun ni,i reach 24yrs already. some ppl think its suitable tyme if i want to settle down.
kadang2 memang agak rimas bila everyone nk tanya soalan2 yang same,berkias2..
aduuhh,poning den nk jawab.
" eh,kaklang,bila lg nk kawen?"
"si anu(bkn name sbnar) kawan ko tuh da beranak 2 da,ko bile lg?"
trus serang abah, tanya bila anak diew ni nk kawen
kelakar ok,sbb kawen is not easy for me.
bukan xpnah pkir nk kawen tp,bila difikirkan balik..
"sedia ke if i nk kawen?"
"blh kew i jlnkn tggjwb s isteri nnty?"
too many things across my mind bila sebut pasal kawen..
dua perkataan tuh sebenarnya da bawak maksud yang cukup berat,dalamnyer mesti ade trust, love, give n take, tanggungjawab, hormat-menghormati, even sbenarnye banyak lagi bnda yang mesti diambil kira bila seseorang tuh da amik keputusan tuk having commitment.
atau,maybe aku yg takotkn komitmen?huhuhu
mungkin juga..
aku jadikan keluarga sendiri sebagai contoh,means org yang paling dekat dan aku boleh nampak setiap perkembangan hubungan tuh ataupun if any obstacle atau problem yang dowg lalui.bukanlah aku prejudis towards family sendiri,tp,apa yang kita nampak itulah akan bagi impact dalam diri kita. walau xbanyak tapi mesti akan ada segaris dua.
aku takutkan komitmen..aku belum sedia..melihatkan abang2 aku membuatkan aku ragu2 untuk amik keputusan yang sama.
keputusan yang akan buang status bujang dalam hidup aku.
gosh,ape yang im mumbling ni..
y suddenly i want to write about diz.maybe coz of the drama ive been watching lately
hahahaha emo giler
so,kesimpulannye..i'm scared of commitment.
hahaha ckp panjang2 lebar,tuh jew conclusionnyer?
bedd is having mental block now :P
tp,i still ade impian.
i nak happily married with person yg i taw akan jage i seumur hidup,loving me,willing to break thru anything,when i say anything,means,its rilly everything.
*bedd,tlg la,jgn wat ayat klamkabot hahaha
kadang2 i terpikir,y my brother marriage doesnt look lyke as our parent?
then i realize,nobody gonna be same. but,deep inside, i wish i can have experience just lyke my ibu n abah.
[i pnah kemas rumah once,clearing store etc. then,i found 1 decorative box in torn black plastic.
at first i wus curious coz,
wud the hell is dat?? terkejut ok tibe2 jmpe kotak n plastik itam huhuhu
then, when i open it..
i wuz suprise.it's full with my late ibu n abah's love letter..not directly jiwang2 surat la,
tp,they make sure to write 2 each other every week or once a month.. from the letter only i discover, after my along wuz born,
they lived separately due of working purpose. so,in the postcard, they gonna talk bout baby progress,how they miss each other and lots more.]
my abah n late ibu not-so-romantic-type but, we noe how much they love each other.
quarrel sumtyme,but thats asam garam rite.
like p.ramlee always said.. sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit in movie '3 abdul' if i not mistaken..hehehehe
shoo,i love watching all hiz movie,okay?
so,berbalik kt hal tadi,(me mmg suke menyimpang jauh dri topic normally kn :)
abah n ibu share almost everything together. for me,they r d most perfect couple 4 me.
(ya,i noe..every child gonna think same bout their parent,but,dunt forget,there still bunch out there who still cant get chances to have real family love)
dats y im lucky coz berpeluang to experienced it.
n i love my parent a lot,eventho ibu da pergi..
i still can see tears in abah eyes once in a while when he sat down alone.
ya allah,syukur aku padamu..berikan kami kesempatan untk berada dalam lingkungan kasih sayang ibu.memberi kami pengalaman paling bermakna sepanjang hayat ibu.kami redha ibu pulang ke pangkuan-mu.kerana kamu menyayanginya dan pasti melindungi dia,merahmati rohnya,tempatkan dia di kalangan umat2mu yang beriman,jauhkanlah dia dari seksaan nerakamu,alfatihah...
finally,to complete my entry.hehehe
im not to fussy or too choosy tp, i just want 2 find my soulmate that rilly suit me. n i taw, tuhan dah ciptakan semua umatnyer berpasangan. dats y i percaya one day,my companion will come so i can upgrade myself to extend to another level.
hahaha mcm main game lak,ade level2..
i noe im not perfect,dats y i gonna need u to completed me.. just lyke my abah completed my late ibu's lyfe.
ermm,is it too much im asking? x kn?haha tp,mmg sume orang ade dream,just tgk whether we can achieve it or not jew kn..i hope i can reach myne..insyaallah..
so,skank sy mau truskan aktiviti mencari org seswai tuk me 4 d whole lyfe hak3
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