btw,sumtyme i rilly2 glad they created facebook. yup,i noe,its kinda melekakan with all those application n blablabla..
but,need to accept it gak,coz i blh jmpew most of my childhood friends there.happy sangat!!
my long lost friend yang i grew up with back then kt kelantan.gosh,dat wus long2 ago gak la..
coz d moment i pndah n9,my number change several tymes so,we cudnt get cnnected dah la kn.
they just mishing in action but,i still remember them in my heart la kn.
nak dijadikan cerita,suddenly terpikir nk search name dorg thru find fb engine.
yeayy!! found them! sho shuke!! bling2!!hahahaha
and its fun to get to noe each other more after beink ilang for almost 10years.. huh,how i mish those momento.. :P
so,last monday,suddenly my old classmate turned to be in kl for a day..since we've been missing in action for a long long tyme ago,we decide to meet up lah hahaha
but,still dat sunday i cudnt get tyme to jmpe syafrie..lgpon,he's in kl sekejapan bangat.sowie,t ko naek kl lg,bgtaw k? we'll arrange another appointment...hahaha mcm jmpew client lak...
but then,on monday..the deal is,we guys plan jmpew kt klsntral coz that d easiest meetpoint from my office la wakakaka (hey,im not malaz pg jauh2 ok,kl sntral blh la kn?)
so,i manage to jmpe die almost 6pm..hahaha najib,my oldfriend from syp..jeng!
he used to be lyke ppl-dat-i-hate kt skewl dulu ar.hahaha
die pengawas n kinda cocky ok,ala2 poyo la gak.. konon zaman kanak2 nk membesar,kan rase mcm bgus jew alwiz hahahaha (oopsie,sowie terkutuk plak)
OMG!! he's change ok? he used to be a bit skinnier before haha but,now,owh,ok,ppl grew up ryte?normal lah tuh hahaha
but,then,we can be friend dah la now..hahaha nmpk sgt x matured tyme sekolah dulu hahaha
nk gadoh for reason of nothing...aduuh,lawak jew.. he's not alone..die dtg with hanor@pok no haha i remember diz guy,dlu die pndah,ske wat mke ketat,da r bdn bsar n takots taw hak3
but,without noticed..tyme does flies kn..people we used 2 know tyme kecik,sdar2 now we both da lain.matured enuff dah.. n its rilly fun to lpak now after long tyme beink ilang..
storie kisah2 zaman sekolah,silly thing back then,all those memory suddenly appear so we can laugh about,gossiping about 2gether hahaha...its fun i wish i cud meet all of them again..if u guys in kl,for sure i nk gak jmpe hahaha
so, 3 of us, eh no..4 of us (coz hanor bring his bro along) meet up,chatting for all d tyme dat day..
then,bcoz najib bru paz habiz his interview,he's kinda lapar la plak..
so,we straight away headed to taman melawati n had nasi ayam hainan there.yummyyyy!! but,i've choose meehun instead..hehe eventho i always in love with their ciken rice,but, no no no( smbil geleng pale)...mlm2 xmoh la mam masik huhuhu
but,rugi lak,gmbar2 sume kt kamera hanor n najib ..xpew2,t ai suh dowg email t i edit jew kt cni..
hurm,bijak,bijak.... :))
no,no...cite xabez ag..hahaha lpaz mkn @ taman melawati tuh.. blh plak hanor ajak g karaoke hahaha ai segan la karaoke ni,slalu nyanyi sowg2 dlm toilet je hahaha
tp,since its kinda little reunion kn, we olls grak la ke wangsa,karaoke'ing kt sane.. hahaha ai da la xpndai sgt lagu2 band mlayu lame n sum lagu yg dorang plih tuh hahaha
layankn jew la kn.. woo,hanor mmg giler ar,die n farid(if ai xsalah,name die farid) hehehe dorg nyanyi lagu sume hi-note.. yang najib lak,cant singing 2 much coz of sore throat haha
lgpun,die not so well katenya..pnat coz travelling non-stop-sgt and pning after interview hehehe
so,ai pon juz nyanyi 1 lagu jew,hahaha but,its seronot hanging around ngn old buddies kn,xsedar tyme da kul brapew,hope t dpt reunion ramai2 plak,msti happening :p
lpas abez karaoke session tuh around 10pm asenya.. we guys singgah tymes square jap..
ya,ya,,its close,we went there sbb we
mau nonton ini movie!!!!!

and we watched it in 3D okayy..sonok giler... their 3D nampak real sangat.. as u noe,d storie is about uncle scrooge yang sangat2 lah kudukut hahaha n die xsuke nk clebrate cristmas,xmoh tlg2 org,kinda mean n selfish if i cud,mase die wuz brought away by fairies, by soul tuh..besh sgt their visualization hahaha tmbah2 i always love jim carrey's movie n kinda cartoon o fairytale stowie ni kn ,for sure xmoh tlepaz tgk kn? :p
so,d movie abez around 1++ am, they sent me homme la afte dat..
(iyelah,da kul bwape kn,ai ni mcm xkeje plak esoknyer,xsedar diri btol ;p hahaha tp,ended up i blik pon xtidow gak smpai pg tuh hahahaha)
so,selepas antar me pulang,d guys sumer actually continue their travel..mlm tuh jugak blik pahang tuh..
uishh,x leteyh ka hangpa oghang ni? hahaha but,glad 2 noe u guys da reached safely pown..
tp,wud i can say..its happie that i can meet u guys again,t we gather2 lg ramai la plak k?
wink2! shuke cheq...
so,dats d end for dat monday :) i'm having fun, enjoyable tho ,and pazni if trun kl,contact2 la yea..blh meet up lg.
btw,ade 2 pic ni jew dkat i,xpew,t ade photo lain t i upload lg la =>
('0' )(")
('0' )(")

short note: knape gmbr ni jew,yg lain,owg laen maner?
begitulah kesah hari isnin saye bersama kawan2 lame saya @ kuala krai dlu...
1 comment:
tul kenal dia ni...dulu dia my b..uwaaaaa
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