no,its not kuar pg,shopping,mkn,ngorats2 etc tuh pon..
3 of us kuar pon da quite lmbat,around 1++ am dah,
we reached there alomst at 2am.hahahaha
dat tyme ppl shud be sleeping da kn? ayoyo...
so,kami berjimbagedumbek di
jeng jeng jeng!
Rainforest B0rneo Sunway..
chilling around with music,chatting,gossiping haha
normal gal laa.
gosh,that band singer...
nope,he's not dat handsome,bald kinda cute,but,
im flew away coz die nyanyi lagu SEMPURNA tuh beshh gilerr.
much2 more better than original singer k,kinda soulful n mesmerizing ok?
besh jew,,
so,as we gals yag ala2 single ladies ni mulalah..
kn besh ade bf cmtuh,can sing a song,mcm dedicated it specially for me,
with his not-to-husky-but-perfect-tone towards me
yup,brangan jew lah,if its 4 real,i think its awesome hahaha
ala2,marc anthony nyanyi lagu "my baby you" (luruh jantung i k,sentap coz its lovely..kinda romantic-yet-memorable sgt2..)hurm,beshnyer..(imagine me ngah snyum sowg now,thinking mr somebody dedicated song 4 me)hahahaha giler!
ok,dah2..regards dat nyte,we ended up blik umah at 4++am sudeh huhuhu shleepy but,rilly having fun dat nyte.
me buddies,thanks fer d nyte,its awesome n glad to having u around :) wink2!
so,adekah i akn giler nk dgr his voice lg?
hahaha adekah aku akan pergi lg ni?? wondering2,hurmmmmmmmmmmmm
xpew2,tunggu jew lah cmner nnty.
so,blik umah,maen macpie jap,then tidow~
esoknyer i bgn lambat uolls,kalolah kt umah abah,sah2 aku da kna pkik hahaha
psst* btw,there's 1 kewl guy we accidently met that nyte..n coz of him,me buddies anjurkan perang tarik2 wambot ok
hahaha sho shweet...
[oopsie,not 2 much pixca were taken,so,myb anotehr entry will have :P]
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