Monday, May 24, 2010

notes lintang pukang hehehe

nothing much happen lately..

even sebenarnyer a lotts tp,hehehehe lupe nk jot down je..

so,once write it randomly..

*last saturday 13 feb..

both me n mr loff,pg kedai  dat afternoon..he cut hiz hair off!! hahaha bkn cut actualy tp,botakkan hiz kepala totally hahaha it wuz weird at first seink him botak for d first tyme hahahaha before diz,tgk dlm gmbar jew,when its lively..i wus lyke it gak actually :P blh gosok2 his kepala hahahaha (what a jahat gf btol)

but its suit him well..even he lyke him better without hair..selesa katanyer...

so,after done with hiz hair botak'ing process.. both us grak to KLCC plak..

bru noticed yang both us blom perot ni menyanyi2 sudeyh... mintak diisi lah kn..

so,as we turned up kt KLCC, we decide to have diz......

hehehehe we had lunch @ PIZZA HUT dat day..trying their new pizza sempena CNY tuh kn..

it wuz nice tho.. we ordered set for two,and it rilly full up our stomach hekhek kenyang sgt2,with its special topping..hurm,yummeyh tuna mixed with pineapple with their sauce n some prawn beink lay on top..kenyang2..... 

sambil tuh we had diz for dessert.... 

Gelato ice-cream..sdapnyer..creamy full of choc!! hiz feveret...... 

he loooveesss chocolate sho much..

 after done eating n ronda2 around KLCC,we make a move cause i've promise abah balik bahau dat week..yelah,kate cuti 4 hari xkan xbalik bahau plak,me gerak from kl ptg tuh,reaching bahau safely pon around 10pm sudeyh...sampai2,kepenatan me tdow saje hahahaha

* dat sunday,14 feb..... 

me and abah pg kenduri kawen... ade 2 rumah sekaligus so we plan to jage hati tuan rumah,knalah jamah sikit2 mknan tuh..since ade knduri kawen,tidaklah i memasak ari ahad arituh hehe terselamat katenya...

tp,dat nyte me masak jugaklah for ma abah..we had sambal petai and sliced fish and oyster chicken and sum cabbages..masak sempoi2 je just for two of us,begitulah hari ahad sayer berlalu...

** nk gak menyelit nih.. as we know 14 feb iz called valentines day kn..but, we didnt celebrate it btw... so i guess valentines is not important day or date 2 b remembered  by u kowts... cukup we noe we loff each other,every can be loff day much better :P**

* 15 feb,monday..not werking!!!! 


dpt coti extra which is sho gewd,dpt rehat manyak2... ilangkan stress keje skit yang ade bertimbun dalam pale otak nih hehehe dat monday,me n abah kuar pg pasar but,still banyak kedai blom,we just grab anything possible yang i nk gune coz he request sum kari tulang dat,after bersilat for a while.... i manage to cook all the dish...n enjoy our lunch together ('',)... 

did sum cleaning skit dat,cuace adalah terlampau panas lately....lpas me siap keje,purposely baring atas marble so,dptlah sejukkan badan jap...

btw,ptg tuh ade eksident happen kt simpang 3 jaln dpn umah weolls ptg tuh...diz indian guy kuar simpang tbe2,so kereta from other route tuh terbabas..nk ngelak katenya,tp terlanggar pokok palma dpn istana tuh.. yurp,dpn umah ai is istana persinggahan sultan n9... tup2,kete polis rupenyer..truk gak lah polis tuh,dah la dlm kete peronda tuh ade banduan bergari..nk pg anta mane ntah..mcm2 btol..after ambulans dtg,get everything cleared,injured person dihantar ke spital k.pilah.. ape jd kt indian guy yang langgar tuh xtaw la plak ai..

menempek nota...

OH MY..MY..! 

lamernyer xjenguk blog nih.. (untuk kesekian kalinya hehehehe)

pheww...memeang banyak nk tulis actually coz byk bnda keep happening in ma lyfe recently..juz xsempat nk update je...

so maybe i cant make it sekuel entry hehehehe

but,if sum activities xsmpat nk catit tuh,mahap la yer,ai cant help maself 2 ingat sumer gak kowts hehehe

*MaKan-mAkaN...b'Day aNa

mase 30/1 arituh bday adik mr.,we did plan lil suprise party for her..dah la mase tuh,ala2 moody, tp,since da janji,we go for it jugak hehehe... even manyak halangan dat day,luckily the party wus great indeed...

bayangkanlah,tyme nk gune bunch of money immediately tuh,blh plak kad bank mr.sumbody scratch out,langsung xblh gune...aduyaaaaaiiiiiiii..tension hokay? hahahaha

then,we get it fixed,bla,bla,bla...done!! blh la using cash dat tyme..petang tuh both s rushing p cri kek jap...survey2 punyer survey..we found one! yummeyh,white choco crunchy cake...shedap giler kek tuh.... :pp 

then,bekejar lak nk pi UIA PJ amik adik diew yang lagi sowang...hehehehe memang sumer kejadian aritu is terkejar2 n spontaneus..lawak pown ade gak asenya hahahaha

sian mr.sumbody..tiring aite,dear?

paz amik dya,we drop by,bli kfc,sum small2 food yang lain gak..then..shoooooooooot... pegi shah alam.. hiz sista beink there coz still pursuing her degree @ UiTM nun di puncak perdana ke,puncak alam eyh?

actually,she doesn't noe at all we're comin over hahahaha coz kiteowang cam wat dunno jew bout her b'day.. but,it turn out so well..everything goink gewd,perot kenyang...lega coz job d0ne accomplished!! kekenyangan mkn ramai2,chatting around..knowing each other..its gewd....

as for me,this wud be second tyme me hanging around with hiz sista...maybe we've known each other since primarybut,its still not enough tho as the situation iz different now hehehehehe (ayat mcm xleyh blah je)

so,around 11pm tuh we amke a move,then,grak blik umah.... xsmapai umah trus pon hahahaha saje je singgah downtown jap pusing2..pekena charkueyteow Mali's jap,bru la both us get separated away hehehehe...

*mAkaN-mAkAN.....oPenHouZe anA

ingatkn session mkn2 da abez...upewnya blom lagi daaa... 

since smlm da blik agak lmbat after d bday bash..maka,bangun pown automatically agak lamabat la kn hehehehehe bangun around 10++ asenya..dpt msg from ana lg.. 31/1 pg mkn2 umah diew plak,she's cooking today!!! ape lagi,xkn xpegi kn...rezeki katenya hek3

so,both us grak from houze around 5pm,hoping jalan x jammed,n manage 2 get there around 630pm...pheww...smpai jugak,coz it wus raining heavily dat day... so,i wus helping just a bit dat tyme,as they got it done already hehehe

sho pemalash lipash bedd nih...

so,kami mkn spageti,mushroom soup,garlic bread,we ad snacks as well.... mkn2,ckp2 lg...mkn2 lg.. hahaha kenyang,we make a move around 8pm from their place....

p drp by dya kt UIA blik,then,me n mr.sumbody...pegi...






hahahahaha first,kiteowg pg wangsa walk nuh,tp..ya rabbi...penuhnyer...xkuase cheq nk beratur tunggu amik2 nombor aii..hehehehe pemalash giler...coz bayangkan lah..nom ngah di served now is,nombor we'olls dpt 1305.. i mean WTH?? lamer tuh nk melangok kt stu hahaha

so,we decide pg songbox yang kt AU2 tuh...luckily we manage 2 get a room,medium room with drinks n foods yang da ala2 abez tuh..hak3..

melalak la kiteorang berdua dlm tuh..ilangkan tensen katenya... tibe-tibe nk tensen plak yea?

so,gitewlah activiti we'olls mase ahad 12am gak kowts bru reti blik umah huhuhuhu cowie bah,bkn slalu kaklang kuar kn?kn? :))

*TeSco...herE we Cum!!!!!!!!

so,masih lagi xreti nk lekat kt umah... dat isnin kn coti smpena hari n mr.sumbody dcide pg tesco to buy sum groceries,n barang2 kelengkapan rumah..hahahaha penuh trolley tuh kiteorang beli... coz i'm d cook,so,barang2 basah akan diletakkan kt rumah ai,then,barang2 kering lak will b at hiz place.. ye lah,barang2 kering ni,blh la die msk sendiri case ai keje xspat msk..he wont be kelaparan la..xdelah ai wisau later on hehehehe

then,die plak cum with this luahan hati..which nk wat mkn2 at hiz place..mcm msk2 makan reramai ngn houzemate die lah.. so,sebagai gf chomey yg rajin,sah2 la ai yang kna msakkn hahahaha again,they request 4 pasta..

so,mlm tuh,pungpangpungpang la ai kt umah,siapkan their bolognese spagetti,ciken n mushroom soup,garlic bread..all homemade which is sho yummy hahahahaha after get all d dish done,dorang serumah mmg menjamu selera katenya..gewd coz everything abez pembaziran..i dunt lyke...(no,no,no,wasting kayy)

so,lpas da bersilat kt dapor tuh,mmg agak penat la jugak..huhuhu maka,ai tertidow awal mlm tuh..da xpedulik hape dah hakhahahaha taw2 alarm bunyi pagi2,kene keje huhuhuhu

*photo2 update later2 lah ea..


Monday, January 18, 2010

do i noe maself very well?? naaaahh

lamer da update storie..
but,before dat i nk tick down sket some of Dr Fadzilah punyer review on ciri-ciri berdasarkan bulan kelahiran hehehe (i amik it fwom magazine REMAJA..evebtho im not that remaja-sgt dah now hik3 i still ske bace this book..kadang2 isi masa lapang)
so,this is it..
kadang2 i rase macam i da kenal diri i sendiri or ppl yg close ngn i msti blh tahu wud type of person i am..but,by reading all those review from Dato Dr ni make me more understand bout maself..indeed discover sum of d attitude yg i x realise before... o mmg i cube abaikan sikap2 tuh huhuhuhu


* Berfikiran jauh & berwawasan.
[kdg2 terlampau jauh..i wud say,sumtyme i akan ade wild imagination hahaha..kdg2 mcm budak2 kecik pown ade gak..kdg2 nk tergelak pkikn diri sendiri coz if im alone,i blh imagine tbe2 ade pencuri maybe masuk la,n i akan lari,hiding then fight la konon2,but it a bright way mesti pengaruh citew Home Alone kn?ayoyooo! or,biler i naek tren,i magine if its too lajoo,it will shaking,i wonder how i its falling?tbe2 alien adew dlm train tuh..hahaha.or i pnah once termenung tpi sungai kelang,semantara tungu nk bli tiket train,i imagine dlm sungai warna mcm teh tarik tuh,ade buaya lah,i wonder if suddenly nampak dead body floating lah.. :P
i noe,i noe...stoopid crazee imagination kn hahaha childish n ntah hape2 upewnya anak pak sharif ni hak3]

* Mudah ditawan kerana sikap baik.
[urppp,iye kew? tp,i wud agree depend on sum situation kowts huhuhu]

* Berperangai lemah lembut.
[ini agak diragui..hahahahaha coz kdg2 brutal jew ma attitude ni ,yg i noticed,nmpaknyer since da tertulis begitu..i lemah lembut orangnyer...
'tumpang lalu yea sumer....' hahahahaha]

* Mudah berubah sikap, perangai, idea dan mood.
[erm,yang ni mcm tepat la rasanya.huhuhu for those yg knal i btol2 akan taw sumtyme biler da xthn sabar,mmg im changing hahahaha..sowie lah yea korng2..which u noe who u are..but,bunch thnks coz still bertahan ngn ma self ni.hehehe mwaaahh]

* Idea yang terlalu banyak di kepala.
[kdg2 meluap2 dalam pale otak ni,p,kadang2 xterluah hehehee biaselah,kitew berhak kuarkan idea,so,i'll help slagi i mampu lah..haha]

* Bersikap sensitif.
[haa..yg ni tepat jugak! kadang2 agak suker menangis juger..bknnyer ape,biler ade problem,i prefer 2 kept it maself,so,biler its terkumpul too much,before im taking next step,air mate wud trun woohooo it make me feel better after crying,slalunyalah..]

* Mempunyai pemikiran yang aktif (sentiasa berfikir).
[btol gak kowts..coz kadang2 bnda remehtemeh pown i nk pk sampai jem pale nih..haha]

* Sukar melakukan sesuatu dengan segera.
[err..hehehehe kna admit jugak kew??hahaha.maybe btol gak,BUT, not on all matter kayy..depending lah...]

* Bersikap suka menangguh-nangguh.
[terutama nak lipat kain,especially kain membukit hahaha i wud rather jemur kain,or basuh,lipat kain o simpan pinggan..aduhh..lemaunyerr..hahaha]

* Bersikap terlalu memilih & mahukan yang terbaik.
[kdg2 je 'terlalu',bknnyer selalu coz i noe not that perfect too so,motiiipp nk pilih2?selalunya bleh bwk runding]

* Cepat marah & cepat sejuk.
[betul2!!! hey mr sumbody,ur lucky enuff xperlu bli brg juta2 tuk pujuk i taw hakhak]

* Suka bercakap & berdebat.
[hahaha..bercakap tuh mmg agak peacock personality,wud do u expect hahahaha tp,berdebat? maybe dgn org tertentu shj]

* Suka buat lawak & bergurau.
[maybe its true..coz i love beink heppi-go-lucky,having fun,laughing around..buat lawak bodowh sumtyme..and,i juga suka pd org yg bersikap begini.. :)]

* Otaknya cerdas berangan-angan.
[heee.Datuk Dr nih.maloe i....terkantoi sudeyh hahahaha tp,mmg btol i love 2 day-dreaming gak,biler duk sowng2 kew,o tyme i ngantok dlm kelas,i blh melayang jaouh berangan ntah hapew2 hak3]

* Mudah berkawan & pandai berkawan.
[InsyaAllah..i wud lyke to have lots of frenz i love,xmoh la musuh2 nih..doa mudah2an dpt kwn yg suka kite juga]

* orang yang sangat tertib.
[ehemm..tiber2 ase nk pakai kain batik sarung jew,duk bersimpuh dlm opiz..makan tanpa nmpak mulot kunyah kew ...hahaha]

* Pandai mempamerkan sikap.
[huhuuu..sikap positif jew lah sumer yea,negatip tuh xperlu ditayang2kn hehehe]

* Mudah kecil hati.
[heeeee..agak lah....depends on situation lah tp xdelah mudah ambik hati]

* Mudah kena selsema.
[Ishh..nk kate mudah,jarang2 asenya.Alhmdulillah.mintak2 dibekalkn kesihatan yang baik always.amiin.]

* Suka berkemas.
[ikut mood..kikikii..but,slalunyer when i badmood,i mmg akan mengemas..ape saje lah yang blh i,mr sumbody,if nk tgk umah kemas sntiase,wat la i badmood kayy hahahaha how dare u yea]

* Cepat rasa bosan.
[makaaaiih,terer Datuk Dr nih..macam taw2 jek diaa..]

* Sikap terlalu memilih & cerewet.
[hurm,yang ni kadang2 gak kowts ..hehe]

* Kurang mempamerkan perasaan..
[owh,begitukah?? so,familia tersayang,kwn2 skalian,if nampak i mcm x take care korang tuh doesnt mean i xsayang kalian taw?]

* Lambat untuk sembuh apabila terluka hati.
[Ohh..betul takes tyme to heal..huhuu even till now,its still hurting me walau da berzaman benda tuh jadik hurmmmmmmm.]

* Suka pada barang yang berjenama.
[eh,asenyer itu xbrapew,kalo dapat tuh,suker je hahaha ]

* Mudah menjadi eksekutif.
[mudah kerrrrr??]

* Kedegilan yang tidak terkawal.
[uishh..mcm betol jer huhuhu sowie lah yer,mmg sikap azali but,im trying to change sum of them sket2 for good..insyaallah]

* Sesiapa yang memuji, dianggap musuh. Siapa yang menegur dianggap kawan
[erm,yang ni pown xpasti,tp,kalo blh i nk berkawan ngn sumer,try not to think buruk on ppl unless u kaco idop i.. u mmg nk kna lah tuh....].

eh,tamat dah? so,i rase gak tepat gak la ramalan2 yang beliau review nih. hehehe i gak setuju je..maybe kebetolan or mmg die taw how to 'baca' ppl hahahaha

Friday, January 15, 2010

blastful lyfe.... giler gak tinggal blog nih..hehehehe
bkn pemalash-lipash kay,tp,kebizian sket huhuhu
so,this januari,banyak benda gak berubah in ma life..
quitting from ma old job,so me no longer graphic designer :(
i dunt noe i shud be happie or regretting ma decision but,im goink now..keep moving ma lyfe..
hehehehe as long me familia support me,i think i'll be okay..
dear ma old boz,ma old lepaking "office", thanks for everything i've learn there.
appreciated it sho mush,but,in this lyfe..i think i want to move forward so....
sy berenti n xde keje in bidang grafik lg... currently lah huk3
xkan nk goyang b*nt*t kaki kn,mau jd penggangur terhormat kah anak paksharif ini?
keje mesti dicari..hehehe
i jarang onlyne la after start new work hehehe
diterima x alasan tuh for not blogging after a while? hahahahaha
reasonable apew.. ;p
so,back to ma work,got to go now..
*btw,im getting myself improved jd formal now lalalalalala

Friday, January 8, 2010


to ma best friend n all ma frenz...thanks for putting color in my life sepanjang 2009 ni...banyak sangat name i nk sebut,hahaha tp,xpat sume..but i will dott down several me bff kayy? me loff u guys..i dedicated diz poem tuk korang2 sumer!

I was sitting here thinking
of the words I want to say,
but they just wouldn't come out right
so I found a different way

I got a piece of paper
and I wrote this poem for you,
but there's no way to thank you
for everything you do

For always being nice to me
and staying by my side,
for helping fix my problems
and never leaving me behind

For accepting my thoughts and feelings,
though you do not understand,
for never giving up on me
and being my best friend

For making me laugh
and letting me cry
and saying you'd miss me
if I were to die

Everything you mean to me
you could never know
In all the ways you've changed my life
I could never show

The way you take care of me,
you're my shining star
and though it's so incredible
that's just the way you are

Before I get too mushy
it's time for me to go,
but before I leave this ink-filled page
there's one thing you should know

As long as we are living,
no matter when or where,
if you ever need me
just call and I'll be there

I'll climb a thousand mountains
and swim a thousand seas
anything to be there
'cause you've been there for me....
thanks for everything we've gone thru together....
generally i do appreciate all ma fren..
u know who u are..
i'll remember all those memories kay..
but,for past 2009,this ppl rilly rock ma world..
# my syp member...
rilly windu korang.facebook connects us again..after berbelas tahun kn?
its fun to meet all of u guys again..
manyak memori zaman2 sengal sekolah rendah,but it still ma sweet n cherish memories :)
# wie..hez..ema..mas....
aku jmpew korang balik!! kt fesbuk jugak hahahaha
nmpak sgt fesbuk ni medan kn..aduyaii..
korang2 mmg best fren ever..korang yg wat aku nyer lyfe lively sjak pndah ke bahau tuh hahaha
tetiber jd jahat nakal mlampau kt bahau kn hahahaha
# judd azura...
even aku knal ko sekejapan sgt,tp
we bond well..mcm plik coz mcm nobody from nowhere but now mcm foster sibling sudeyh hahahahaha
tp,dats special coz its juz happen..friendship mmg meaningful kn? especially when we suddenly met n getting along so well.
ai lyke!
thanks 4 d bestest frenship n memories..hahahaha
ko ngn pengi wat tbe2 dlam diari aku wujud perkataan..
"pertama kali di borneo club"
hakhak tp,abang botak *singer* wus awesome!!!
hahaha and abang kewl as well :P
#sabarina..nisa..and all vadsian...
we guys rocks!!! eventho we've been together 4 one weeks tp,mcm da knal lame sgt..
bak kate ridzuan..
" da mesra sangat..da rapat sangat..xmau berpisah"
chomeyl sgt...
# last but not least... me old fren yg now bcoming..





mr sumbody!!!
tq for popping up in ma lyfe n letting me 'kacau-bilaukan' ur lyfe
thanks for everything~~~~~

mwah... x0x0x0 for everyone!!

cont... :P

i noe it still not that lambat to talk bout new year..wawawawa bru 6 ari kite melangkah masuk t0 tahun baru,2010...
when we heard about tahun baru,mostly kite akan dgr gak d'word azam..walhal..selame ni jarang nk sebot word tuh hakhak
but,mcm connected jew..dgr jew tahun baru,msti akan timbul those azam2 tahun baru altogether :P
btw,same goes wif me gak..ibelieve everything did d same cause,when we set our 'azam' or target,we noe we gonna fight for it..aite?
so,ape ea azam2 ai for tahun ini?




tajuk karangan: AZAM SAYA
kelas: TAHUN 6
(motiiiiiiiiiippp...perasan mude giler u'olls hahahaha) ;p

Tahun ini tahun 2010.Semua orang mempunyai azam. Begitu juga dengan saya. Azam ialah cita-cita yang ditetapkan menjelang setiap tahun baru supaya manusia memahami apakah tujuan dan sasaran yang harus dllaksanakan pada tahun tersebut. (pheeww...ayat mcm skema sioott giler xmengarang macam zaman sekolah2 hehehe i noe ckgu BM ai msti ala-ala bangga now :))
Pada tahun ini,saya telah memasang beberapa azam. Iaitu:-

1. saya nk pastikan di tempat kerja baru ni lebih baik dari tempat lamer.huhuhu not saying old place is not kewl but,everybody need to step up rite..since i've be given 2 start new career wit new environment,new job scope,new frenz,everything new'lah.. hahahaha but,i do miss ma old workplace,it teaches me a lot yet i think i need to make bigger move so,i cud make changes in me then..insyaallah...

2. Abah nk p Mekah..Insyaallah,i want to provide him everything he gonna be needed..pray for me dad so,im giving ma best to make sure u get everything u deserved to.. i loff u abah...ur my strength,my spirit,ma point of life..u've teach me too much bout life,my wish for you just 2 make u happie n fulfill all ur wish.insyaallah...

3.Improvement in me..maybe i blh jew xnk elaborate more,tp,yang pasti.. deep in me i da taw apew bnda ai nk sangat2 to be change in me hehehe but,basically for sure nk improving ma self,be much better within familia,be my abah gewd daughter hek3...gewd sista for ma brother n lil'sis....gewd maklang for all ma baby niece n nephew....gewd frenz for all my frenz...gewd worker towards ma boz,fully commitment towards ma job....havin gewd bonding with all ma click.....success in biz i've jumped into..go.go,chaiyok2!!!!.......beink nice with everyone lah..insyaallah i'll try... <>

4.Saya nk my own property by diz year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. Mr sumbody..u noe who u are hehehe...
n.m.n......thanks for showed up in ma life..u muncul akhir tahun 2009 which suddenly giving bright in me till now... its unexpected..u tn=anyerlah sapew2 pown,they wont expect it too hahahahaha
coz adelah sangat lawak tuk beink in love ng person yang xpenah bkawan ngn u,xbercakap ngn u,blh kate..we hate each other before n try not to interfere in idop masing2,tuhan maha kaya..after 13 years,u muncul tibe2...n did color ma lyfe... thanks dear for beink there for me..rilly appreciate i loff u wit all ma heart..maybe im not dat melampau kaye so blh bag hummer kt u sejibik,duit bnyak2 dlam akaun u kew,ataw apew2 kebendaan mewah dalam idop,but,humble me will loff u forever as long our jodoh dikuatkan Allah s.w.t..we'll pray for that rite?? i akan always be by ur side,helping,supporting,caring,loving,ad everything u gone thru in lyfe...u blh nampak i kt sebelah.even if u wish to swipe me over,i still be there...hahahaha brani2 u nk swipe i ea bb? hak3
tp,from d bottom of ma heart,i love u n.m.n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! byk sgt harapan kitew tahun ni kn,so many we've plan together.hope its diredhai Allah s.w.t and everthing gonna move smoothly..i doa our relationship berkekalan,diberkati by our parents n familia,dirahmati Allah s.w.t...

Friday, January 1, 2010

welcome 2010...

its officially 1 jan 2010 already..hehehee so,
happie new year everyone!!! hope this new year will bring prosperity,happinez,gewd luck,,gewd health n colorful lyfe,everything la yang good in you guys..mwaxx!!

so,,setawon da berlalu..kadang-kadang rasa macam tahun 2009 ni mcm still awal tahun jew...walhalnyerr kn...da masuk new chapter sudehh hehe
2009 memories gonna be still in ma mind, how i wish ma 2010 gonna be much2 more happening,meaningful n luck,kaw2 punya!! insyaallah....

sedeyh pon ade gak rasenyer,coz pejam celik,pejam celik da masuk tahun baru lg..for sure my number of age akan increase..huuu xpew2..hati maintain mude alwiz kn hek3
generally,there's too many things happen within this year..sum ups n downs,some sweet memories,sour,bitter,almost al flavor yg i boleh jog down la :P

tp,semua tuh happen for a reason,maksud ai..sumer tuh jd kaler dalam hidop ai..thing yang bagi "kehidupan" idop ai bermakna..sumer pengalaman baik n buruk akan simpan to b ma guidance lah...yang baik jew la,yg bad tuh..i just want to seal it then put it tersorok jauh2 o trus get rid of it so,ai xperlulah nk ingat it anymore hurrmmmmmmm
maybe i wont be able to write it all here but,maybe sum of them yang blh ai summarize here huhuhu
bkn apew,as my reference gak for ma memory hehehe....
maybe i can start it dri awal tahun hahaha
* my raya celebration wus quite gewd,coz our family manage 2 celebrate it bersama-sama.. my abang2 blik along with their family,visiting arwah ibu's grave,semoga ibu sentiasa tenang disamping-Nya....
*manage to dapat my car license hahahaha ( confident jew,padahal juz 'L' jew hahahaha
xpew2,no worries bedd,u gonna dpt lesen gak one day...
*my birthday celebration with ma foster parent..okayy experience...sob..sob..
(uncle,anti..thanks 4 d warm acceptance...rilly appreaciate moment with d'familia..mayb its not god's will yet huhuhu)
*congrats ma lil sista..enrolled 2 UIA taking law course hahaha bersedialah for bingitkan pale ko ngn assignment dik selama..............( brape tahun ea dik ko kt situh? hahahaha lupew aku.. )
*me first tyme ever joining biznez..euwwww terkejut jew ngn ma decision dat,once da get into,kasi taram kaw2 saja.. eventho,kdg2 still not confident yet,im hoping this is cool decision i've made..insyaallah...
okayy,now otak da tepu balik..mayb im gonna sambug on this later..nanyte