Friday, January 15, 2010

blastful lyfe.... giler gak tinggal blog nih..hehehehe
bkn pemalash-lipash kay,tp,kebizian sket huhuhu
so,this januari,banyak benda gak berubah in ma life..
quitting from ma old job,so me no longer graphic designer :(
i dunt noe i shud be happie or regretting ma decision but,im goink now..keep moving ma lyfe..
hehehehe as long me familia support me,i think i'll be okay..
dear ma old boz,ma old lepaking "office", thanks for everything i've learn there.
appreciated it sho mush,but,in this lyfe..i think i want to move forward so....
sy berenti n xde keje in bidang grafik lg... currently lah huk3
xkan nk goyang b*nt*t kaki kn,mau jd penggangur terhormat kah anak paksharif ini?
keje mesti dicari..hehehe
i jarang onlyne la after start new work hehehe
diterima x alasan tuh for not blogging after a while? hahahahaha
reasonable apew.. ;p
so,back to ma work,got to go now..
*btw,im getting myself improved jd formal now lalalalalala

1 comment:

:.AtiqaMusa.: said...

yer...selamat berformal erk cik kak...hikhikhik