Monday, May 24, 2010

notes lintang pukang hehehe

nothing much happen lately..

even sebenarnyer a lotts tp,hehehehe lupe nk jot down je..

so,once write it randomly..

*last saturday 13 feb..

both me n mr loff,pg kedai  dat afternoon..he cut hiz hair off!! hahaha bkn cut actualy tp,botakkan hiz kepala totally hahaha it wuz weird at first seink him botak for d first tyme hahahaha before diz,tgk dlm gmbar jew,when its lively..i wus lyke it gak actually :P blh gosok2 his kepala hahahaha (what a jahat gf btol)

but its suit him well..even he lyke him better without hair..selesa katanyer...

so,after done with hiz hair botak'ing process.. both us grak to KLCC plak..

bru noticed yang both us blom perot ni menyanyi2 sudeyh... mintak diisi lah kn..

so,as we turned up kt KLCC, we decide to have diz......

hehehehe we had lunch @ PIZZA HUT dat day..trying their new pizza sempena CNY tuh kn..

it wuz nice tho.. we ordered set for two,and it rilly full up our stomach hekhek kenyang sgt2,with its special topping..hurm,yummeyh tuna mixed with pineapple with their sauce n some prawn beink lay on top..kenyang2..... 

sambil tuh we had diz for dessert.... 

Gelato ice-cream..sdapnyer..creamy full of choc!! hiz feveret...... 

he loooveesss chocolate sho much..

 after done eating n ronda2 around KLCC,we make a move cause i've promise abah balik bahau dat week..yelah,kate cuti 4 hari xkan xbalik bahau plak,me gerak from kl ptg tuh,reaching bahau safely pon around 10pm sudeyh...sampai2,kepenatan me tdow saje hahahaha

* dat sunday,14 feb..... 

me and abah pg kenduri kawen... ade 2 rumah sekaligus so we plan to jage hati tuan rumah,knalah jamah sikit2 mknan tuh..since ade knduri kawen,tidaklah i memasak ari ahad arituh hehe terselamat katenya...

tp,dat nyte me masak jugaklah for ma abah..we had sambal petai and sliced fish and oyster chicken and sum cabbages..masak sempoi2 je just for two of us,begitulah hari ahad sayer berlalu...

** nk gak menyelit nih.. as we know 14 feb iz called valentines day kn..but, we didnt celebrate it btw... so i guess valentines is not important day or date 2 b remembered  by u kowts... cukup we noe we loff each other,every can be loff day much better :P**

* 15 feb,monday..not werking!!!! 


dpt coti extra which is sho gewd,dpt rehat manyak2... ilangkan stress keje skit yang ade bertimbun dalam pale otak nih hehehe dat monday,me n abah kuar pg pasar but,still banyak kedai blom,we just grab anything possible yang i nk gune coz he request sum kari tulang dat,after bersilat for a while.... i manage to cook all the dish...n enjoy our lunch together ('',)... 

did sum cleaning skit dat,cuace adalah terlampau panas lately....lpas me siap keje,purposely baring atas marble so,dptlah sejukkan badan jap...

btw,ptg tuh ade eksident happen kt simpang 3 jaln dpn umah weolls ptg tuh...diz indian guy kuar simpang tbe2,so kereta from other route tuh terbabas..nk ngelak katenya,tp terlanggar pokok palma dpn istana tuh.. yurp,dpn umah ai is istana persinggahan sultan n9... tup2,kete polis rupenyer..truk gak lah polis tuh,dah la dlm kete peronda tuh ade banduan bergari..nk pg anta mane ntah..mcm2 btol..after ambulans dtg,get everything cleared,injured person dihantar ke spital k.pilah.. ape jd kt indian guy yang langgar tuh xtaw la plak ai..

1 comment:

:.AtiqaMusa.: said...

babe...lame xupdate ur blog...sila update okeyh!!!