Monday, March 23, 2009

what's next?

kdang2 bertanye pada diri,
ape yang aku mahu?
ape yang perlu aku buat?
betol ke jalan yang aku pilih..
yeah..sumtimes ppl get confuse..
tp,kadang2 orang ckap..maybe its not your tyme yet..
aku nk sambung study tp between 2 choices..
which one shud i choose..
abah nk aku smbung multimedia design,so ianyer kesinambungan la dgn keje aku s graphic designer now,,,,
but,deep in my heart..
i rilly wanna try sum thing new..
which i noe i'm gonna love it..
i wish to further course berkaitan cooking and foodie or at least..
berdepan ngan geng2 yang aku suke layankn tuh..
early childhood learning..
i tot its goink2 b fun..ajar kids,sing along..gosh!!
lyke dat!
enrollment is just around the corner,pkir..pkir..pkirr....

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