sangat banyak benda jadi lately..... dunno where to start........
tapi,yang pasti..benda yang jadi tuh menyakitkan..
i wish otak nih boleh abaikan benda tuh seketika..
tapi,selagi otak,minda and badan ni bersatu...benda ni akan always difikirkan.
people says: "laughter is the best medicine"
macam mane i nak ketawa if ubat untuk i ketawa tuh xda??
macam mane i nak taw ubat tu bagus if ubat tuh i xtaw kt mane??
macam mane??
macam mane i nak dapatkan ubat tu balik??
macam mane i nak jumpe ketawa i semula??
so,maybe they can say laughter is the best medicine but, i still xboleh ketawa if ubat buat i ketawa is not with me,aite?
same gak when people says : "everybody makes mistake,coz nobody perfect"
i noe x semua orang dijadikan perfect tp,at least we did try rite..
sumtime when you meet somebody.. it makes you feel better coz u think both of u can make perfect companion...
but still...
tiap silap yang kite buat,can it be forgotten??
can it be forgiven??
tiap tindakan kita rasa betul,is it betol??
boleh ke ia diterima??
tiap tindakan we rasa perfect,is it really perfect??
or, just nice try??
bagi sesetengah orang,maybe akan ada peluang lain..
maybe ada yang xde langsung..
so,semuanya masih xpasti..
coz,rambut sama hitam,hati tetap lain-lain...
kadang-kadang otak ni selalu berfikir..
apa yang patut dibuat,
apa yang perlu dibuat,
apa lagi yang x sempurna,
apa lagi yang nak diubah/dibaiki,
sebenarnya terlalu banyak soalan nak dirungkai dalam hidup ni...
selagi diri masih bernafas, selagi tulah semua ni masih perlu diselesaikan...
semuanya macam teka-teki...
sometime,i wish my mum was still here...
at least i got some one to share semua benda yang jadi and menghimpit jiwa i sekarang..
i ada some one yang boleh hugged me when i'm crying..
some one yang boleh dengar all my word ,trusting in me that i can get over it..
some one yang akan always be with me... when needed....
but,bile i duduk sendiri....
i taw dia xpernah jauh...
dia sentiasa by my side..
dengar semua luahan hati i..
being around during my sad,happy,precious or any moment..
dia sentiasa ada in me.............. always...........
and i ada mereka...
family i..
kawan-kawan i..
*dear k.A,,eventho ur parent is not around..
they should be proud with you..
you did amazing already..
they never left you behind.. they always being there.. in your tiny lil heart..
with you..
for you..
maybe they wont coming back..
coz Allah already spared good place for them..
but,just believe in ur heart...
they always being there for u...
i noe its hard moment now, but you could bear with it..
coz you're not a quitter..
dont quit because of people that wanna let you down..
having tough time doesn't mean you failed already..
i know word make it look simple than it thought..
so,fight for what you think was right..
people,things...keep coming and changing in life..
we have rite way to keep it still..
by making rite thing,rite decision in rite time...
you still have lovely people that care,love,etc surround you..
keep moving on.. okayh??
--by saying this to you..its motivated me as well..insyallah..things gonna b good--
selagi mampu..
i nk keep trying my best,,
setelkan those puzzle,riddles,etc..............
sebab i do believe..
ur life could be ur best journey ever,
coz u play the whole role..
apa pun halangan and rintangan,insyaallah Allah tu maha adil...
semua yang jadi memang mengajar kita untuk teruskan hidup...
in the end...kita still kena hadapi every little things in life..
gotta stand strong...
i do hope i'm strong enough to face it... InsyaAllah...............
pray for me peeps..
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